A psychological thriller set in the high-stakes world of L.A. fashion. Danny Sampson is an honest detective investigating the heinous murder of a leading talent agent. As he delves into a melting pot of beauty, ego and violence, the stakes are raised when the killer distributes horrific crime-scene photographs to the media, thrusting a reluctant Danny into the spotlight in a city where everybody wants to be famous. MODEL BEHAVIOUR is a heart-pulsing thriller and a moral tale on the pitfalls of fame in our celebrity-obsessed culture.
A music-themed comedy, RADIO SAMURAI follows the adventures of hip young DJ Gene Roseberry, who in the span of 24 hours loses his prized job and gorgeous girlfriend. He teams up with his best friend and together this comedy duo charges through absurd situations and action-packed stunts on their way to the incredible finale - a massive dance party spectacular! Only by joining the biggest party this city has ever seen will you discover Gene's fate, and find out why comedy has a new warrior!
RAZOR EATERS is a front row ticket to an anarchistic rampage of destruction. First turned on during a home invasion, the gang's video camera never lets up as they take on the city and become anti-heroes by targeting all those we'd love to see get punished - corrupt politicians, filthy drug dealers, arrogant sports stars...and parking inspectors! This internationally award-winning feature film was released in Australia by 20th Century Fox and worldwide in over 20 territories through Shoreline Entertainment, gaining a cult following.
Gabrielle Utterson is a respected lawyer drawn into a horrific murder investigation where he must play a dangerous cat-and-mouse game with his new client, the enigmatic Dr Henry Jekyll. After his young niece is killed, Utterson becomes frustrated with the lacklustre police investigation. and feels compelled to turn amateur sleuth. As a series of vicious slayings envelop Blackwood Moor, he discovers Jekyll may be involved, and possibly concealing chief suspect Edward Hyde. Robert Louis Stevenson's legendary horror novela has been filmed many times, but never as originally written - from the perspective of main character Gabrielle Utterson.
Winner - Gold Award @ California Film Festival
Winner - Golden Slate Award @ California Independent Film Awards |
Winner - Melbourne Independent Film Festival
Winner - Fearless Tales Festival, San Francisco
Winner - Kansas City International Film Festival Winner - Melbourne Underground Film Festival |
Runner Up - Best Horror Film @ Shriekfest Los Angeles
© Copyright Nick Levy 2022.